OK--I'm wondering what in the world I have signed myself up for! Back at the beginning of the year, we got brochures in our mailboxes at work from the Alabama Humanities Foundation for summer workshops and institutes. One of the institutes was for "eResearch and eWriting: Preparing Students for Tech-Savvy College-Level Work." Hmmmm--might be really beneficial since teaching the research paper is something I have to do. Plus, students are so much more "tech-savvy" than they were even five years ago--maybe I need to apply for this week-long institute. Heck, it's even at the University of ALABAMA. Can't get any better than that!
So, I filled out the application, wrote the one-page essay, and sent in the $50 (refundable) check. About three weeks ago, I got an email that said participants would be notified within about ten business days. Ten business days came and went, so I figured I had not been selected. That's fine. I'll try again next year if it is offered.
Today, I get an email saying I have been selected! WOO HOO!! Until I read further. Boy, is this thing going to be I-N-T-E-N-S-I-V-E!! I already knew it was a week long, so that was no big deal. Lodging and all meals are provided by AHF--fine with that. BUT--in the next few days, I should receive two packages with "books and other important resource materials." Included in these materials will be instructions for the pre-institute reading assignments. WHAT? PRE-INSTITUTE READING ASSIGNMENTS??? UGH! I have to sign a form stating that I agree to read all assigned texts in preparation for the institute sessions, and I'm pretty certain these reading materials won't be good, juicy novels! So much for relaxed reading at the lake. lol
It won't be so bad though. In addition to getting my $50 refunded, a week's worth of lodging and meals (three a day and two breaks), I will get a $100 stipend and 45 hours of CEUs. That should take care of all of my hours for next year. hahaha
Seriously, I know that this will be a tremendous help to me in teaching the research process to my students, and that's what it is all about. Anything that I can do to make myself a better teacher is worth it.
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5 years ago
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