I am finally doing a giveaway. I've thought about doing one for a LONG time, but the timing just hasn't been right. Until now.
As a teacher, I really and truly love my job. I love my subject matter, especially the British literature. I love the relationships I develop with my students. I love teaching teenagers because they keep me on my toes and keep me feeling young (most of the time.) I love having them come back to visit and keeping me up-to-date on their lives.
As a teacher, I really and truly love my vacations. So many people think that teachers work an 8-hour day, and that just isn't true. During the 4.8 hours of class time, I am constantly "on". There is very little "down time" in a normal day. If I'm not providing direct instruction, I'm walking around helping students, answering questions, making suggestions, etc. The other 1.6 hours that is my planning time is taken up with entering grades in the computer, making copies, and doing all of the other things that I can't do at home. This isn't just true of me; it is true of any teacher. And the day doesn't end at 3:15.
Once I get home, which is usually around 5:00, there are papers to grade or tests to make. Since we got our new technology, I have spent numerous hours on the computer creating PowerPoint presentations. While people in other professions go home and leave their jobs at work, teachers don't. Our 8-hour day often ends up being a 10- or 12-hour day. So, when it is fall break, Christmas break, spring break, or summer vacation (ESPECIALLY summer vacation!) I am READY for it! I need that time to recharge my batteries so that I can continue to do what I love.
So, with all that being said...the giveaway! Summer is my FAVORITE season of the year. I am definitely a summer gal. I love being in the sunshine, hanging out at the lake, and reading good books. For my giveaway, I have included things that represent my favorites. There is a CUTE beach towel/bag combo, Neutrogena Body Mist sunblock (SPF 45), Banana Boat After-Sun lotion, Banana Boat lip balm (SPF 45), a book (Don't Make Me Choose Between You and My Shoes), and a candle. (The scent is called Butt Naked. It smells coconutty.) There will ALSO be two huggers that are being made to match the towel/bag. One will be a can-size hugger, and the other will be a 20-ounce bottle hugger. I haven't gotten them yet, so that is why they aren't in the picture. :)
So. What do you have to do to win? First of all, post a comment for ONE entry. Become a follower for TWO entries. (Please leave two comments saying you are a follower.) Make a post about my contest on your blog for THREE entries. (Again, please leave three separate comments.) That is a total of SIX entries. I know that also means you are leaving six comments, but hey, it's a cute giveaway. Or at least I think so.
The contest will end Thursday night (May 21) at midnight CST. I will be using random.org to generate a winner. I'd love to do it the "old-fashioned way" and write out names, cut them up, and put them in a hat, but I don't have time! Especially if the winner wants to be notified on Friday, May 22, the day that SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!
Good luck!