One week ago tonight was the last time John and I slept together. I haven't actually been sleeping single...most nights, Ali and/or Bama have been sleeping with me, but that just isn't the same. Neither of them slept with me last night. I have no idea where they ended up, but I don't think either of them were in their beds in the bedroom. Even though I do miss John terribly at night, it has been nice being able to sleep right in the middle of the bed and to stretch out in any direction I want. And it has been nice not listening to him snore. :) I really don't even recall hearing him snore since he's been living in the recliner.
Ali and Bama are going to be very unhappy once John does come back to the bedroom. They aren't used to getting to sleep all night in the big bed, and even since I've been letting them, they don't always stay all night. Ali will usually jump down and get into her bed at first, but about 11:00 or so, she'll jump back up. Bama has had difficulty realizing that Daddy doesn't "go night night" in the bedroom for now. He (Bama) is kind of set in his ways. Correction...he is VERY set in his ways, and his normal routine has been messed up. He's gotten adjusted a little better though.
Bama had a birthday yesterday! He is 5 years old! If he were a two-legged baby, I'd be saying that I couldn't believe my baby would be starting kindergarten in the fall. LOL Ali will be 4 Sunday. It's hard to believe that on May 25th, Elvis will have been gone 5 years. I still catch myself looking for him, and I've been known to call Bama "Elvis" more than once. Someday I would love to have another shih tzu.
I guess that's about it for now. I have a few odd and ends to do, and I need to start on grading more of these research papers. ICK!
Have a GREAT day!
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5 years ago
I do not believe what a difference sleeping conditions makes. When Frank is gone....I sleep on his side of the bed...and use his pillow. I don't even like his is just that it smells like him.
Aren't our pups the funniest little creatures? What was life like before them? Hope John is soon back to normal.
BTW, I am so excited about the 13th
and 14th. I can hardly wait to have two days of time with you. It has been too long.
Love you.
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