Yes, I am still alive and kicking, but wow...we have been on the go, and when we haven't been, I've been dog tired. Plus, we are STILL have computer issues. ARGH!!!
We ended up taking the desktop back to the Geek Squad because the internet just randomly stopped working one day when I was online. Nothing I could do would get it back, and I really didn't feel like spending two hours on the phone with AT&T for them to tell me that there wasn't anything they could do. I had already been that route a couple of times since the power surge in July.
The Geek Squad said they were going to have to send the computer to the service center. Sure, no problem. Just find out what the problem is so we can fix it. A couple of weeks later, they called back to give us the news...the motherboard was messed up, and it was going to be $637 to replace it. Nope, ain't happenin'. When I went to pick it up, I asked why it was going to be so much. I may not know a ton about computers, but I do know that a motherboard is NOT that expensive. Apparently, they will only use HP products, and since the service center doesn't keep items in stock, we would have to pay the shipping for the new one, as well as the labor for the installation. So...we just picked it up, and John took it to the computer guy at the hospital. He hasn't done anything with it yet, so we're computerless. I was taking the laptop home, but John decided to disconnect all of the lines until the desktop is repaired. I hate to tell him that he is about to have to reconnect everything because research papers are due Friday, and I'll need internet access to check for plagiarism.
Yeah...the DRP (Dreaded Research Paper) has been on the agenda for the last five weeks. Friday is it, though. All of those wonderful papers will be turned in. I told my students yesterday that I will be available every afternoon this week (except Friday, of course) until 4:30 for one-on-one help. One student signed up to see me yesterday, and I'm waiting on the one who signed up for today. TWO STUDENTS OUT OF 60!!! I think there are two signed up for tomorrow. Naturally, all of the slots for Thursday filled up immediately. WHY do they wait until the last minute?????? How many times have I given them the "you never know what might happen unexpectedly if you wait" spiel??? Dozens. And how many times have I had a student come in to say, "Um...Mrs. Vest, you know how you told us not to wait until the last minute because something might go wrong? Well, last night my __________." (Fill in the blank: computer crashed, printer ran out of ink and Wal-Mart didn't have any more, etc.) Sadly, at least one student per class each semester. The English department policy is that we will take the papers late, but there is a 50 point PER DAY (or fraction of a day) deduction. That is a full letter grade, and those are usually the ones who cannot afford to lose half a letter grade, much less a full letter grade. Even though the senior papers are due Friday, I'm not finished with research. My juniors spent class in the library today. Yeaaaa.....
Other than that, Bama football is still rocking along. Still undefeated and headed back to Atlanta for the SEC Championship Game against Florida. John and I are going to the game with Tim and Susan. When Bama played Florida for the SEC Championship in 1999, we all went and we DOMINATED the Gators. We're hoping for a repeat this year. Same people a decade later. I really think that Bama can will. Will they? That remains to be seen, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Bama in Pasadena for the NC game. (At least I'm hoping!!!!)
John is at the lake this week, so it's just the pups and me. We got Ron's old walkway and swim deck, but we had to replace the stryofoam with encapsulated floats and the walkway needs sanding and painting. John and Ron got the floats under it yesterday. That was the biggest project, but John is hoping to get a few other projects done. I hope he gets to have a couple of days to just relax. He works SO hard, so he deserves it. :) I do miss him TERRIBLY though!
I know there has been a lot happen since I posted last, but I think I've said enough today, and it's about time for Samantha to be here. Actually, she is about five minutes late. Looks like she will be a no show. The senior counselor and the assistant admin for the seniors KNOW that I have made this opportunity available, so none of them have an excuse for not getting help.
Have a GREAT week, and maybe I'll be connected at home again soon! (I'm really NOT supposed to be on at work. Maybe I won't get in trouble. It isn't like I'm taking away from the education of my students.)
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5 years ago
dont have but a second but wanted to say HI HI HI I missed you!
Good to hear from you on here.
I have been so blogging lazy myself lately, I haven't been actually lazy just soooooooo busy with a million other things.
Girl girl girl, I am so excited about Alabama football. I hope SO bad we can beat Florida and go all the way and win it all! Wooohooo, wouldn't that be great!
We live about 30 minutes from Starkville, MS. You know that is where State is, you would no believe the crap we heard before that game from State fans about how they were gonna beat us so bad, etc .......... it was unreal. Then when we beat them like we did you wouldn't believe the crap I've heard! I tell you I have been fighting mad a few times over remarks people have made. You can do a lot but don't mess with my family or dog out my Bama team, haha! I know they are just being sore losers but still, ughhh! For real I've even heard we won that game and have won others because of the Refs, that was so funny to hear. Then I heard we caused State to lose cause we robbed State of a few touchdowns when Ma Johnson hit the ball from the State players in the endzone, we robbed them! Heck no..... we just played some dang good football!
I never realized there were so many Bama haters out there until now.
Y'all have a great time at the game in Atlanta, wish so bad we could go but we'll be watching from home. Steve took a vacation day that day so he won't miss it either, we're gonna have us a Bama party.
Take care and talk to ya later
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