24 February 2011

Teachers' Lounge, Day 2

 <----  This is where I am.  Isn't this the most lovely teachers' lounge ever?  I mean, what isn't to love?  The walls are a gorgeous institutional gray, and the wall outlet...oh my! I'm surprised the folks on HGTV aren't all over this style!  The sofa and the rug have that lived-in look that says, "Don't worry about us!  Put your feet up and relax!"  The tables did have a delightful coating of dust until yesterday.  As much as I hated to rid the lounge of such an eye-catching feature, I knew my allergies wouldn't be able to handle it.  I hope I didn't offend anyone by doing so.  (Where is that danged sarcasm font????)

This ------>                            is where I want to be.  Seriously, isn't that such a calming, soothing view?  Close your eyes and imagine a soft breeze gently kissing your skin as the sun warms you. The birds sweetly sing their songs of life.  As the hammock sways, your mind drifts away, taking you on a journey to that place where you aren't quite awake, nor are you quite asleep.  When you must rouse yourself, you feel refreshed and ready to take on the world. 

I'm spending my second day in the teachers' "lounge" so that Ashley can get a true feel of what it is like to be completely in charge of a classroom.  (From my picture, you can tell it really isn't much of a lounge.)  When I'm in there, the kids are good, but they know that I will give them the evil "teacher look" if they aren't.  And many times they will come to me to ask questions.  When they do that, I point to Ashley and tell them they need to see Ms. Smith because she is their teacher right now.

Even though days like this can be downright boring, they have given me a chance to redo many of my presentations and handouts.  I have written a proposal for a reseach class I would like to teach, researched some new (and hopefully exciting) activities to add to my curriculum, and completed the assigned sessions for the online class I'm taking done.  Oh, and I've had time to blog.  LOL

Next week, students will take the Alabama High School Graduation Exam.  Oh joy!  Those students who have already passed and have alternate transportation do not have to come to school until 11:00.  Those who have to ride the bus will have to stay in the auditorium.  (So glad I didn't get selected for that fantastically fun adventure.  HA!)  Our class schedule will be all goofed up next week.  We will have our 3rd block classes every day since that is when we take our daily attendance.  Then, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we will have our 4th and 5th block classes.  On Tuesday and Thursday, we will have our 1st and 2nd block classes, BUT we will be doing those days reversed as well.  Students will go to 3rd block at 11:00.  Following 3rd block, we will have our 2nd block class and then our 1st block class.  The reason we're doing those days this way is because many of our seniors do not have to come for 1st block.  Can you imagine the headache we would have if we did 3rd/1st/2nd blocks?  Where would those kids who don't have a first block go?  Who would supervise?  NIGHT. MARE.  The best part is that Ashley and I will be finished with our day around 2:00 on Tuesday and Thursday.  Woo Hoo!!!

I have to test on Tuesday and Thursday, so that will be a bummer, but at least it is only those two days.  I remember very well the days of having to test every day AND losing my planning.  Talk about rotten!  Of course, during those days, teachers weren't held to the the strict guidelines that we are these days.  Way back in the day, we could grade papers, make out tests, read, work crossword puzzles...Now, we can't do anything except sit and stare at our students as they test.  For 90 minutes.  Have you ever done absolutely NOTHING for 90 minutes?  Try it.  You won't like it. 

Another change for this year (not sure if this is local or state), but even teachers are having to put our cell phones in our test boxes.  We've had our students do this for a few years now, but this go round, we're having to as well.  It really doesn't bother me.  I would much rather put my phone in the box and know that I have nothing to worry about than to have some disgruntled person make an allegation about me.  My job is way too important to me for me to do anything to risk it.  I have a hard time imagining anyone doing anything to jeopardize the years of schooling and the years of teaching over a test.  Not to mention the loss of a reputation.

It's almost time for our advisement, so I need to go.  And then I need to work on my Shakespeare stuff.  Actually, ole Will may have to wait.  I think I might just read for a bit.  :)

Have a GREAT day!

1 comment:

Susan said...

No cell phones for teachers during ASHSGE??? What on earth will you do for 3 hours? Haha. Thank. The. Lord. I'm not giving it this year.

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