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We're going to Hartselle tomorrow, so I'm gonna get to get my hands on Maggie Beth. I cannot wait! Connie sent me some pictures the other day. My first comment was that she looks just like Will did. I sent one of the pictures to Mom, and she said the same thing. One thing I can say about all the babies in our family is that they are beautiful! I'm so jealous right now of everybody there because they've gotten to see her and snuggle with her. :( I'll have to make up for that.We're going to the lake on Saturday. We haven't been up there since before school started. I'm sure the grass will need cutting and limbs will need picking up--all those fun things. ha Maybe we can get those things done pretty early so we can watch football later. I guess it will depend on what time we get up and leave from Hartselle Saturday morning.Since I won't have internet over the weekend, I hope you all have a great one and enjoy your Labor Day.
John just picked up his "new" car. :) It isn't brand spanking new by any stretch of the imagination, but it's new to him. The Sentra that he has been driving for half of forever has just about seen its last mile. The odometer quit working at 180,000+ miles--two or three years ago. He averages around 23,000 miles a year, so at two years since the odometer quit working, the car has well over 200,000 miles on it.He's been looking around for months now, but he came in the other day and said he thought he'd found him one--a Mazda Miata. He went yesterday to look at it and drive it. After he got home, we talked about it, and then he called the seller to say he'd come get it today. He's really excited about having a "fun" car again. (We have missed my convertible SOOOO badly! Now we have another one. woo hoo!!)He hasn't gotten back yet. I'm sure he's out for a fun little spin, and I'm about to go to Bunco. Have a great day! Try to stay dry. (We actually saw something in the sky today that looked like sunshine and blue skies, but it didn't last long. Could it have been a hallucination? lol)
FINALLY, college football will be kicking off in just four more days. Who is playing Thursday night? I have no idea (yet) but I will be watching. I've already told John that the remote is MINE Saturday. :) I look forward to college football probably more than I do any other event all year long. Andy will be sending out the first week of the pick 'em contest tomorrow. As the only female in the contest, I have to take some ribbing, but I probably deserve it since I've been known to talk "trash" a time or two. lol Chris called the other night to remind me that he is the reigning champ. One of these days, I'm going to "unthrone" the guys. :)Have a great week, and ROLL TIDE!!
This has been one of those perfect days. There wasn't anything special about it. John and the pups got up about 7:30 to go to Bob's, but they let me sleep in. I needed it SO badly! I'm not sure what's going on that is making me be so tired (other than just getting older...) but I'll be glad when I get caught up. Starting back to school has been harder this year than in past years. I got up about 8, fixed coffee and a biscuit. By that time, John was back. I cleaned house, but I didn't get in any huge hurry to get it done. While I was doing that, John worked on getting the upstairs straightened up. We'd done some, but we still needed to finish up. We've got stuff to bring down that needs to be thrown away, and John wants to do a yard sale with the rest. I would really rather load it up and take it to Salvation Army because I hate doing yard sales. I've never liked having them. Maybe that's because I don't like getting up at the crack of dawn.It has rained here pretty much all day--just a nice, steady soaking. It's been quite breezy, too. I wish some of this would get to Smith Lake, but when John talked to Danny a bit ago, he said they haven't gotten any today.Amy and Maggie Beth are doing fine. Maggie Beth was 8 pounds 10 ounces and 21 inches long. (I think I got the ounces right.) This next week will probably drag because I'm so excited about getting to see her, and it will be football week.I guess this is about it for now. I know it's nothing thrilling and exciting, but hey, not every post is. :) I'm about to take a shower and snuggle up with my pups. Bama is already sacked on the back of the love seat, and Ali is on the other end of the couch. I may not be far behind. lol
Maggie Beth arrived this afternoon! Connie called a little after 3:00 to tell me. Let me rephrase that--Connie finally got me a little after 3. Amy's BP had gone up this morning, so she went in to see the doctor, and he decided that Maggie's birthday would be today. Connie said that everything was fine with Mommy and baby. She didn't have the stats for the baby, so I can't give you those.When I called Jessi to tell her, she said that she wants to be happy but her title has been taken away from her. I couldn't think what she was talking about, but then Jess said that she wasn't the baby girl of the family anymore. :( She has been the baby girl for almost 25 years. That's a long time to hold a title. :) Poor Luke lost his title of baby boy 8 years ago when Zack was born. (For some reason, I don't think things like that matter to boys quite as much as they do to girls.) Of course, this also means that Sam has lost his title of the newest baby in the family. I can hardly wait until next weekend. We'll go to the lake, but at some point in the weekend, we'll go to Hartselle so I can get some BABY LOVE!! I can't wait to snuggle with Maggie Beth. There is absolutely nothing sweeter than a newborn baby to snuggle.I'll check with Amy and Allen first, but if they don't care, pictures will be posted. I certainly don't want to put pictures out there on the internet if they would rather they not be. It will be interesting to get Will's take on his sister now that she is actually here. He'll be a terrific big brother. Welcome to the world, Maggie Beth!! Aunt Trina loves you BUNCHES! :)
Just a quick Happy Friday post. This has been a really fast week. It's hard to believe that in just a week and a half, this first term of school will be half way over.John and I don't have any big, exciting plans this weekend. We talked about going to Opelika tonight to see the Spain Park scrimmage game. Tomorrow will be spent cleaning house (ugh) and finishing the personal narratives so I can get grades in the computer on Monday. One thing I'm quite certain I won't do tomorrow is to get up early to go to Bob's. John and the pups can do that if they want, but I just need to sleep in.Gotta run. Have a GREAT FRIDAY!!!
As I was reading through the Birmingham News this afternoon, an article from the New York Times news service caught my eye. It was titled "Report: Women are choosing to delay or forgo having children." As a woman who chose to forgo having children, I read it with interest. The article says that more women in their early 40s (that would be me) are childless and those who are having children are choosing to have fewer. The article also said that of women 40 to 44 who have professional or graduate degrees (again, that would be me) 27% remain childless compared to 18% of women who have no education beyond high school. I've often been surprised by the number of women who fit this age/education profile who don't have children, but after reading this article, maybe I shouldn't be. We are often misunderstood, we are sometimes looked at as if we have something "wrong" with us because we made this decision, and a lot of times we are seen as selfish. I certainly can't speak for everyone, but I would say that the majority of women who make this decision don't do so because we don't like children. It was simply a lifestyle choice. I love children, which is pretty necessary considering my career. hahaha For me, having a child wasn't something I felt I HAD to do. Had it been God's plan for me to have one, I certainly would have welcomed him or her with open arms, but procreating obviously wasn't what God had in mind for me.I've never felt like I needed validation for my decision, but I can't say that reading this report doesn't provide just a little for me. Even though 27% is still a minority, at least I know I'm not alone.
It has been a super busy weekend, but it's been a good one. John and I left yesterday about 7. We stopped at Bob's (our Saturday morning ritual) and then headed north. We had to stop by Academy Sports so John could exchange a shirt I had gotten him, and then we picked up Katy and Sam and went to Hartselle to see Billie. We hadn't told Billie we were bringing Katy and Sam, so she was completely surprised. Ron and Cindy were having a get together at their house in Danville last night, so we went out there for a couple of hours. Poppa John was dying to show off Sam. Of course, everyone thought he was precious, and they are so right. :) This was the first get together that we've had in a while, and it was the first time we've seen Doug and Bonnie and Pete and Millie in forever! We're planning on hosting a gathering at the lake in October. I hope everyone can come. One of the reasons we had gone to Hartselle was so that John, Danny, Tim, and Connie could talk about plans for Billie, so after we got back from Ron and Cindy's, John went over to Danny and Linda's for a while. We didn't realize that Tim and Tisha were gone this weekend, but at least John, Danny, and Connie were able to talk. They've all talked with one or the other, but they haven't gotten together as a group. Billie's Alzheimer's seems to be getting worse almost by the day. She never feels well, she doesn't eat like she should, and twice she has fallen while at home alone, so we are all concerned about her physical well-being. There is a place in Priceville that Connie has been to check out, and she and Linda are going to look at a place in Hartselle tomorrow (I think.) This is not going to be an easy thing for any of us, but I know that it has to be extremely hard on Danny, John, Tim, and Connie.
Connie made chocolate gravy and biscuits this morning. (This really isn't as yuck as it sounds.) Danny, Linda, Amy (and Maggie Beth) and Will came over for breakfast, so they all got to see and play with Sam, too. I think everybody got a pretty good dose of Sam-love. :)Amy, Allen, and Will took John and me over to see their new house. It is going to be gorgeous! I know they can't wait to get moved into it. Hmmm...Aunt Trina is seeing a babysitting weekend with Maggie Beth in the future. Mommy and Daddy can't move while having to take care of her. I'm so excited about her getting her on the 25th! We will definitely be making a trip to Hartselle Labor Day weekend. I'm sure Billie is still talking about Sam. Every time we see or or talk to her, she talks about him and what a happy baby he is. It thrills her to pieces to be able to see him. Like I said in the title, it's been a busy weekend. I have one pup curled up behind me and one curled up beside me. I think I'm about to curl up with them. Have a great week ahead!
Sixteen years ago tonight John asked me to marry him. Obviously, I said I would. ;) It is so hard to believe that it has been sixteen years. Where does the time go?! It is true that time flies when you're having fun, and we definitely have fun. I look forward to having much more fun for the rest of our life together. I can honestly count on one hand the number of arguments we've had. Oh, we disagree about things, but we rarely ever argue. Not many couples can boast of fewer than three arguments every five years. John isn't a romantic kind of guy. When he proposed, he didn't take me to some fancy restaurant overlooking a big city. He didn't have flowers or champagne. Heck, he didn't even have a ring. But he did have a heart full of love, and I wouldn't take anything in the world for that. He still has a heart full of love. After he popped the question and I said yes, he told me that he had not planned on asking me until he could afford to put a big ring on my finger. I won't lie and tell you that I had never dreamed about getting a huge ring--what girl doesn't? But at that moment, having a ring was the least important thing in the world to me. I told him that I was perfectly fine without one. A ring can be lost, stolen, or destroyed. Yes, a ring is a tangible symbol of love and commitment, but love--true love--doesn't have to have a tangible symbol. Besides, I know that he would have gotten me one if he could have. I told him that someday I would be happy getting an diamond anniversary band. (He completely surprised me on our first anniversary with a gorgeous one. I had no hopes or expectations of getting anything that year because we were in the process of buying our house, and with earnest money, down payments, appraisals...I just didn't think we could afford one.) One of my new friends from work was so surprised when she found out that John and I had been married as long as we have. To quote Kristen, "Shut up! You act like a newlywed. You must really be in love with him!" And she's right...I am totally and completely, 100%, head-over-heels in love with him! He smiles at me from across the room, and my heart jumps. I hear his voice on the other end of the phone, and I melt. He reaches for my hand, and I know that he will always be there for me.God answered so many prayers when He sent John into my life. I thank Him each and every day for this wonderful, kind, considerate man with whom I share my life, my love, and my joy.And I would say YES all over again.
My nephew Will is without a doubt one of the funniest kids I have ever known. He is only 6 (or at least he will be on Friday) but he can come up with some of the funniest things. He does have Vest blood running through his veins, though, so he truly cannot help it. All of John's family has a terrific sense of humor.Anyway, Will started kindergarten last week. Amy and Allen made the decision to hold him out last year so that he wouldn't be one of the youngest boys in his class. He wasn't too happy about that, but they finally convinced him that he couldn't start last year. Back in the spring he and one of his buddies were talking at the ball field. His little buddy told him that he had to hurry up and get to kindergarten because it was so much fun. Without missing a beat, Will put his hands on his hips and said, "I'm trying as hard as I can to get out of that place." That place being pre-school. Amy said last week that he jumped out of bed on the first day so ready to go. When he got home he proclaimed school as "awesome!" I hadn't gotten any updates until today, and it is a classic.Amy is expecting, and unless something changes, Maggie Beth will be here August 25th. Amy had sent a letter to the principal explaining that Will would be absent that day due to the birth of his sister. The principal would then approve the absence and send a letter home. Well, yesterday at nap time, someone from the office called his classroom saying for Will to come pick up the letter. He overheard the conversation, and before the teacher had time to hang up the phone, he was on his feet saying he WOULD NOT go to the office. The teacher told him he wasn't in trouble, but Will insisted. He said that somebody could bring the letter to the classroom but he WOULD NOT go to the office because his daddy said that if he stepped foot in the office he would get IT when he got home. After the teacher got through laughing, she convinced him it was okay for him to go to the office and sent him up with a buddy. His home folder included a note asking Daddy to please explain that it is sometimes okay to go to the office and that you don't always get IT when you get home. I laughed until I cried as I read Amy's email. I can just see him standing there telling his teacher he CANNOT go to the office. I'm sure our family will be kept in stitches with Will's school stories.
See the note at the bottom of yesterday's post if you're interested. teehee
I need to be going to CFAA--College Football Addicts Anonymous. There are only 20 days until Alabama kicks off the season against Clemson in the Georgia Dome. John and I talked about going, and one of our friends who is Coach Moore's admin. asst. said she could get us tickets if we wanted them. It would be a great game to go to--the Dome is awesome--but we decided to pass on this one.Anyone who knows me knows that I live, eat, and breathe college football and in particular, Alabama football. Now that the NFL pre-season is underway, I can begin to feed my addiction. Watching the NFL isn't as exciting to me as watching college is, but it's football. I turned on the TV earlier to find out what NFL games were being played today when I found ALABAMA football!! It's the SEC Football Rewind--Alabama and the Gators in the Swamp on Oct. 2, 1999. We won by a point in overtime after getting a second chance to kick the field goal due to a flag against Florida.John and I were in Gulf Shores when this game was on. When we won, he jumped up and almost knocked the ceiling fan down. Fortunately he's a handy-man and was able to put it back together. Like I said, I live, eat, and breathe college football. Naturally, I much prefer to watch Alabama, but I have been known to watch the University of Podunk vs. Timbuktu State. I don't care, as long as it is football. There is just something about the sport that I love. If given the choice to go shopping or to go to a game, I will pick the game every time. Before John sold the Harley, he would take off on Saturdays to ride. He always asked if I wanted to go, but the only way I would was if Alabama had an open week. Even then, we'd have to stop somewhere with TVs for lunch so we could watch whoever was on. The only reason I subscribe to the Birmingham News is for the sports. Until December, I probably won't look at anything other than the sports section. I pull it out first thing.I can't wait for August 28th to get here. I don't even know who is playing the Thursday night game, and I don't care...It's football!EDIT: As I read another blog I really should just ignore, it was brought to my attention that I used "breath" instead of "breathe" in this post. Since I was sneezing due to allergies and had taken Benadryl and was struggling to stay awake, I'm surprised that was the ONLY error I made. The really funny thing about this whole thing is that she swears she doesn't read my blog. teeheeheeheehahahahawhaw
My mom has set up a blogger account, so please stop by later and read what she has to say. She JUST did it, so there isn't anything there to read quite yet. That's why I said to stop by LATER. I've linked hers on mine.
I've had mine for almost a year, and the whole time she has been saying she wanted to set one up. She stays so blooming busy, though, finding the time has been hard for her. She retired 9 years ago, but I'll be darned if she isn't busier now than she ever was when she worked. :) A couple of months ago, I chose to set my account so that only those with Google accounts could post comments. (I got a couple of anonymous comments from someone who I feel was trying to irritate me. To avoid any other such comments, I changed my comment setting since I didn't think the person would comment any way except anonymously.) So Mom's been commenting via email or text message. Now, Mom, I expect comments on my actual page. lol
Wow! The first week is over. It has really gone by pretty quickly. On Monday I thought it would have been a much harder week than it actually has been. Just getting back into the routine of getting up at 5:00 every day and having to be on the go all day is tough, but I've survived. Last night, I was snoozing in the recliner by 6:30 or so and was in the bed by 8:00 though. :)I have absolutely no complaints about my classes, other than the sizes of them. I have 29 students first block, 28 third block, and 27 fourth block. Thank goodness for the four teacher assistants that I have! They will do a lot of grading on quizzes for me, and that helps so much. It's the little things, like quizzes, that I get so behind on later in the semester. It's because they are quick to grade, so I put them aside to take care of the bigger things, and then I'm way behind. Misty and I are planning on using Scan-tron forms for our major tests, so the only thing I'll actually have to hand grade on those will be the short answer and essay sections.My next semester classes are what REALLY concern me size-wise. One of the English 12 classes is a special education inclusion class. In that block, I have 31 on my roster right now, and 8 or 10 of them special needs students. A couple of those are very low functioning, too. Two of the other students dropped their AP English and will be in there. Imagine a class with AP caliber students sitting along side students who can barely read. And this is ALL because of No Child Left Behind. Ummmm---excuse me, but I really think somebody will be left behind in this situation. If you have any suggestions about this situation, feel free to share them! Please don't get me wrong...I DO NOT MIND having the inclusion class at all, and I DO NOT MIND having students capable of being in an AP class, and I don't even mind having them in the same class, but with 31??? With an inclusion class, there shouldn't be more than about 20 students. (That's just my opinion.) Misty's English 12 classes next semester are packed as well. But I will do the best job that I can. That's all I can do, really. Oh, sure, I could gripe and complain, but if the classes are already packed, what good does that do? None. The only thing it would do would be to give me a headache, and I see no sense in troubling myself if it won't change the situation. I am a very optimistic person.Well, this is it for today. I'm about to pack up and head home. I need to spend some time with the pups. They're feeling a little neglected lately. Have a great weekend!
Susan sent a text yesterday to tell me they had gotten they football tickets. Instead of texting her back, I called. For the two of us, the day we get our football tickets almost rivals the day we got married. You think I'm kidding??? Ask our husbands. By the time I got home, it was 6:30. (I didn't leave school until after 6--it was a LONG day!) I called the UPS number to see about picking them up at the office, but by the time the Opelika office called me back, it was almost 7:30, and I would have had to be there by 8. No doubt I could have made it, but I would have risked getting a ticket of another kind in the process, which would have made me miss getting to the office by 8. So I decided I'd just go this afternoon. I probably could have worked until after 6 again, but I left a little after 4. John was home, so he rode with me. We stopped to eat at Cracker Barrel, and then we went by to see Aunt Kat. Thanks to her, we're having fried green tomatoes tomorrow night. YUM! Anyway, I have my tickets, so life is good. Football season can now start. WJOX has changed their frequency, so I can actually listen to sports talk radio instead of sports static radio on the way to and from work now.Now for the old part...One of the perks of attending the SUPER Teacher Institute is that we have access to the Writing Studio@CSU, and we can use it with our students. I took all my classes to the lab today so they could see and play around with the online textbook through Holt and so I could show them the Writing Studio. In order to register them for the Studio, I had to have their email addresses. A lot of them have something cute or something that identifies an interest they have. Several use their name and their year of graduation. Some use the year in which they were born as part of their address. That year for a lot of them is 1992--the same year I got married. When I first started teaching, my students would tell me that their mom was older than I was. Then it became "You and my mom are the same age." That is still true in most cases, or at least their parents and I are very close in age. However, in some instances, I am OLDER than their parents!!!! ARGH!!! When did that happen? I still feel (most days) like I'm in my early 30s instead of my early 40s. I have people guess my age to be mid-30s ALL the time. So, when did I get to be middle-aged? My parents are the ones who are supposed to be middle-aged, not me. In a few years I'll realize that I'm in the twilight of my life, and I'll wonder how in the world that happened, too. All you younger people out there--take my advice. Slow down and enjoy life! It goes much faster than we would like, especially as we get older.OK--enough melancholy! It's time to call it a day. After almost 12 hours yesterday and almost 10 hours today, I am tired. Have a great day tomorrow. It will be HUMP DAY! :)
Aside from having to get up at the "butt crack of dawn" as my good friend and colleague Misty says, today has been really great. My first block class is English 11. I guess they were still more asleep than awake at 7:38 this morning because they were SO quiet! I know it isn't because they've heard horror stories about me being the teacher from he**. :) In school, we were always told not to ever, EVER smile before Christmas. I cannot for the life of me do that. No matter how hard I try, I cannot be a mean teacher. I do have my class expectations, and I do expect my students to follow them, and they do, so that blows the whole never smile theory. Anyway, first block was awesome. Second block is my planning. Third block, my seniors, was a completely different story from first block. By 11:30, they were wide awake. lol I did have to explain that I refuse to talk over anyone. After that, they were fine. The nice thing about teaching seniors is that they know that they have to pass English to graduate, so they aren't willing to horse around very much. Fourth block was back to juniors. They were quieter than third block, but not as quiet as first. By the end of the day, they are exhausted and are ready for the day to end (as am I.) I would say that about a 1/4 of my students I have had in classes in the last two years, so they know me and I know them. That's usually a pretty good thing. I can honestly say that I've never had a student with whom I've had a conflict which would affect the teacher/student relationship. The time is now 5:30, and I'm still at the school. My legs are aching horribly bad from having walked on concrete floors for 8 hours for the first time since May, and I am SOOOOO tired. (Getting old sucks--sorry if that word offends you--but getting old is better than the alternative!) I desperately need to go to Wal-Mart for a couple more odd and end things, and someone told me The Home Depot has small fridges for about $55. I want one for my room, but I just can't decide if I want to go now. I probably should because I know I'll have papers to grade tomorrow night. Oh well.I guess this is about it for my first day back update. It really was a great day, achy legs and all. :)
I just logged on to (one of my daily rituals) and saw that John Mark Stallings passed away yesterday. I know that the Stallings family feels the sadness and grief that accompanies the loss of a loved one, but at the same time, I know they are rejoicing in the fact that Johnny is now in the angel's chorus in Heaven singing wonderful praises to God. The Stallings have such a tremendous faith.John and I got to meet and hear Coach Stallings speak several years ago at a fund-raiser for Alabama Christian School. He is such an inspirational man! John had gotten me the book Another Season: A Coach's Story of Raising an Exceptional Son for Christmas one year. I took it with me that night hoping I'd be able to have Coach Stallings autograph it. He did, and it is one of my prized possessions. Yes, it is just a book signed by a man, but the story is just so much more than just a story. If you have not read it, I urge you to. In it Coach tells of how he and Mrs. Ruth Ann were encouraged to institutionalize Johnny, but they refused. They were able to spend 46 wonderful years with their son.Johnny will be missed by his family, and that includes everyone in the Bama Nation.Roll Tide, Johnny, and Yea, Alabama.
I know I said I wouldn't post again until Monday, but I have to give kudos to the best husband in the world. It has been a beautiful, gorgeous, although HOT, day, and instead of doing something fun, he did all the electrical stuff--light switch and 3 plugs and hung the new light--and then he hung the curtains, and we moved the furniture back into the dining room. Except for the floors and getting one more picture, it's finished. Woo Hoo!!I woke up about 5:30 this morning and let the pups out. Correction--I let Bama out. Ali just looked at me and laid back down. John got up about 6, and he and the pups went to breakfast at Bob's. When we're here, that's the Saturday morning routine, and believe me when I say that Bama KNOWS the routine. :) I was so tired that I passed on breakfast at Bob's. When I got up about 8:30, John had already taken the horribly ugly ceiling fan down in the dining room and was putting up the new really pretty light, so I didn't even have to ask him to do all this today. (See...he is just awesome.) After we got the furniture moved back in, we decided not to put the "stuff" back, but we ended up doing it anyway. We'll just pack it back up in a couple of months. Woo hoo--fun. lolWe're getting the floors refinished the week of Oct. 6. That's my fall break, so it won't be a problem for me to take the pups and go to the lake. From the way John has been talking, I think he plans on taking off that week. I hope he does! He deserves another week off.We're really excited about getting the floors done. We're having the carpet pulled up in the hallway, so it and the living room and the dining room will all look like new. We'll still have to live with the horribly ugly carpet in the front bedroom and the den for a while, but we've lived with it almost 15 years. I know John is excited about the floors. I was supposed to have Bunco here in September, and he asked if I could swap with someone so the floors would be finished when I hosted. Dolly is swapping with me. She awesome, too.This may ruffle the feathers of some, but I feel that good news should be spread, and this is definitely good news. Katy and Jessi's step-dad, Roy, has been battling cancer for over a year. I had posted about this months ago. To be perfectly honest, it's probably getting pretty close to two years since he began having problems, but the cancer wasn't diagnosed right away. Anyway, he has been taking chemo since back in the spring. His treatments were pretty sporadic because his blood work didn't always look like it should. They've all been on pins and needles, I know, but at his appointment on Thursday for the results of his PET scan, they found out that the tumor had shrunk to half! He has surgery planned for the 8th, so keep him and his doctors in your thoughts. I know Katy and Jessi would appreciate it. I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult this has been for them.I think I'm about to go relax on the couch and snuggle with the pups. They haven't had much snuggle time today. :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'll post with updates about my classes on Monday.